How to be present in a fast paced life!
Ever feel like the hours are flying past? The minutes race by and the seconds seem almost non-existent? Sounds familiar right? The daily routine says it all. Now add on the washing, the cooking, feeding, nappy changing…oh that endless list of chores! Looking after a child, let alone 2, 3, 4 or more of them […]
“The blame game” – Sibling Rivalry
John (4) and Jane (2.5) are in the playroom, you are frantically trying to prepare dinner in the kitchen and you suddenly hear an ear-piercing scream from Jane. You walk into the room and see John holding one of Jane’s toys. Automatically you go into ‘fix-it mode’, “Give that toy back to Jane, what did […]
The Battle of the In-laws
…or any other family members actually. The minute you seem to have things under control, a grandparent, your in-laws or even your own partner decides to throw a spanner in the works…and you just think….why? Seriously? You’ve just un-done, in one second mind you, all the hard work I’ve put in to get to this […]
The struggle is real!
Imagine a smooth sailing supermarket run with kids. Unimaginable? How many of you catch yourself instructing a million times “Don’t touch that”, “No you can’t have that” – like a broken record, “Sit Down!” (in the trolley), “Come here right now!”, “If you do that one more time you won’t get…” – Here we go […]
The “mis” conception of misbehaviour.
We commonly accept that children “misbehave”, but never do we hear people use that word with adults. It’s almost a prejudice against children. Let me give you an example of what I mean: “My husband misbehaved yesterday or I got so upset when my friend misbehaved at lunch”. It’s like we have a license to […]
“Naughty boy! Stop being so cheeky!” Free your children from the Labels.
We all have placed a label on our children at some point…”The bad child, the naughty one, the cheeky one, the one with the attitude, the one who is spoilt, the shy one” … The problem is, the more we label them the more we are fueling them to BE that characteristic. The scary part […]
Given up on the day before it’s even started? There is a way to reset the day!
Remember… it’s a two-way street. Ever had a morning where everything and anything that could go wrong, did go wrong?… Your child woke up in one of ‘those’ moods, bouncing off the walls, their breakfast ended up half on the floor, refusing to get dressed, fought with their siblings, you haven’t had a shower or […]
You don’t actually need to know why – and that’s OK!
Why? We often think why did my child do this, why are they behaving like that, why are they not listening, why don’t they just do what I asked, why are they fighting with their siblings all the time? Well, let me answer you this: You don’t actually need to know why (Gasp!) You probably […]
Take the shame out of parent guilt.
Guilty….we are all guilty! Ever had this overwhelming guilt that you were the one that has caused your child’s behaviour? Something you didn’t do right, a question you asked the wrong way, their favourite teddy YOU left behind at home? Do you sometimes question the way you handled a situation and think “Yup, definitely could’ve […]
Slow Down
This is something I see so often in the classroom, in the park or even at home. The constant rush rush rush, and never a moment to stop and smell the roses. It follows on from the expectations we place on children to always have to operate at our level, as an adult. Children actually […]
I know as parents and educators we just want the best for our children, to be the best they can be and to reach for the stars, and no doubt they will. They will reach when they are ready, if they are ready and all in the right moment in time. Too often we place […]
It’s all about respect
Ever in a situation where your child has something and another child comes along and wants to take it from them? Automatically our response sirens turn to “Share, it’s okay share….” and your child looks at you with this unimpressed look? Then the word we all dread comes out…“No”Sharing and the issues around it we […]