The Home Environment – Bedroom / Sleeping Area

The beauty and simplicity of a Montessori prepared environment is an element of the philosophy that attracts many people. There are hundreds of blogs, Instagram accounts and hashtags to inspire and sometimes overwhelm you. But the truth is a Montessori space doesn’t need to be ‘insta’ worthy. It needs to be practical and based on […]

Montessori & Practical life Part 2

“The essence of independence is to be able to do something for one’s self.” – Dr Maria Montessori Independence is, in fact, the aim of childhood. As adults, our role should be one of guidance and support for our children working towards becoming independently functioning individuals. How as parents should we go about achieving this? […]

Montessori & Practical life – An Introduction

We often hear the phrase ‘practical life’ and sometimes wonder does the name speak for itself? Well in a nutshell practical life activities are the activities of everyday life in all aspects surrounding the child. These opportunities allow the child to gain knowledge through real life experiences and accomplish life skills in a purposeful way. […]

Montessori & Screen time

Many parents ask about Montessori aligned screen time recommendations and I want to point out that we are a Montessori at home community so we will always advise best practice. Maria Montessori was a strong advocate for young children moving. Through movement they learn not only about their natural environment but also about their own […]

Creating a Montessori Self-Care Station

The biggest part of Montessori at Home is getting children involved in the day to day activities. These practical life activities form the foundation of Montessori learning and provide a rich platform for children to thrive. Essentially they just want to do what we do and it is our job to allow them and see […]

Montessori Without the Materials: It Can Be Done!

How many times have you thought about implementing Montessori and thought…I can’t afford it! Or you just can’t stay on budget and end up splurging on Montessori materials that your child may not even end up using? If so…you’re not alone, for some reason people think Montessori = expensive materials and spaces. You see these […]

Montessori and Mealtimes

We all know how stressful and difficult mealtimes can be! Effective communication is something that can really assist when your child is struggling with one of the following as an example: The best way to handle these situations is by using the following steps: 1. Acknowledge feelings (Whatever these may be, “You just want to […]

Starting solid foods and Montessori

As your child approaches six months you may be thinking about starting solid food. You might feel unsure about what to do and/or excited about entering into this next phase with your child. Questions arise about what options you have, what you need, and how to introduce foods. We have put together a beginners guide […]

Expectations & Comparisons

WHY THESE DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD? How many of you feel like you are not ‘Montessori enough’ or your kids are not sitting and focusing doing activities like you see on social media and Pinterest? Or why your child isn’t speaking yet at 18 months and they should they have 20 words by now? […]

Negative to Positive language

We all get stuck into the habit of saying NO, DON’T, STOP IT, HURRY UP! How many times a day do you catch yourself saying that, almost like a broken record and most of the time it doesn’t get you very far except more frustrated? So is there anything wrong with the way we speak […]

Montessori at Home SAMPLE Schedule

Sample Schedule 2.docx amended.pdf Based on numerous requests from people asking for guidelines or advice on how a typical Montessori day at home looks like, we have created a SAMPLE Montessori schedule. The schedule is just a guideline and is adaptable in your family to suit the needs of your child. Do not feel pressured […]